207-871-7771 877-682-9433

Saco Interchange Improvements (Exit 35 & 36)

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In July 2019, a transportation study for the Saco Route 112/Exit 36 Area was released. The study was a joint initiative between the City of Saco, Maine Turnpike and the MaineDOT that produced a series of recommendations to address regional transportation issues by improving connections to and from the Turnpike. With much input from stakeholders and the public, the report analyzed several versions of modifying the Exit 36 Interchange area to have a direct connection with Route 112, which is proposed as an additional interchange (Exit 35), both north- and southbound.

Current Status

The project is currently in development with construction slated to begin in 2022-2023 with completion in 2025, subject to available funding.

Preliminary Design Report - January 2021