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Turnpike to Shift Traffic Patterns in Saco for Pavement Repair

Maine Turnpike Authority Logo FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
May 15, 2013
Erin Courtney
CONTACT: Dan Morin (MTA)

Turnpike to Shift Traffic Patterns in Saco for Pavement Repair

Motorists may experience increased congestion and slower speeds

PORTLAND, Maine – The Maine Turnpike Authority will implement traffic pattern changes and multiple lane closures in the northbound lanes approaching mile 33 in Saco tomorrow to safely repair highway pavement, weather permitting. Work is scheduled from approximately 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Additional work may take place Friday, if needed.
The Maine Turnpike Authority appreciates motorists’ understanding and urges drivers to slow speeds, use caution when approaching work zones and plan for extra time to safely reach their destinations.
The MTA strives to keep drivers informed about planned Turnpike lane closures and travel alerts, but the possibility exists that unscheduled work may occur with short notice.
Visit MaineTurnpike.com for more information on Turnpike projects and weekly construction advisories and lane closure reports. Motorists can also sign up to receive travel alerts by email and follow us on Facebook or Twitter timely travel alerts and Turnpike information.
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