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Overnight Wednesday Closure for Pavement Upgrade at Exit 7 in York

Maine Turnpike Authority Logo FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
June 11, 2013
Erin Courtney
CONTACT: Dan Morin (MTA)

Overnight Wednesday Closure for Pavement Upgrade at Exit 7 in York

Motorists advised to seek and prepare to use alternate routes

PORTLAND, Maine – The Maine Turnpike Authority will now close the Exit 7 northbound off-ramp for traffic leaving the Turnpike in York Wednesday, June 12, at 10:00 p.m., weather permitting. The closure was rescheduled due to recent rain preventing work and is necessary to allow crews to safely perform pavement upgrades. The ramps is scheduled to reopen Thursday, June 13, by 6:00 a.m.
Portable electronic message boards are in place near the work areas to alert drivers of ramp closures. The temporary closures are scheduled overnight to minimize impact to traffic. All times are approximate.
The Turnpike Authority reminds motorists to watch signs for construction information, stay alert and obey the posted speed limit approaching work zones and plan for extra time to safely reach their destinations through alternate routes.