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Line Crossing to Force Overnight Stoppages at Mile 77

Maine Turnpike Authority Logo FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
May 30, 2014
Erin Courtney
CONTACT: Dan Morin (MTA)

Line Crossing to Force Overnight Stoppages at Mile 77

20-minute north and southbound stoppages Sunday (6/1) 

PORTLAND, Maine – This Sunday evening, June 1, 2014, up to 20-minute traffic stops will occur in both directions in Auburn at Mile 77 to allow Central Maine Power to install power lines across the highway.  Intermittent stoppages are scheduled to begin Sunday night at 10:00 p.m. and will last until 5:00 a.m. on Monday morning.   
Motorists should be prepared to stop or plan on using alternate travel routes during the this time. Message boards will be in place to inform approaching travelers of closures, and Highway Advisory Radio (HAR) broadcasts on 1610 AM will also be used to inform drivers. The Maine Turnpike Authority appreciates motorists’ patience and understanding during this construction.
Visit MaineTurnpike.com for information on Turnpike projects and weekly construction advisories and lane closure reports. Motorists can also sign up to receive travel alerts by email and follow us on Facebook or Twitter for timely travel alerts and additional Turnpike information.
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