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Falmouth Spur Southbound On-ramp Reopens to Traffic

Maine Turnpike Authority Logo FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
May 24, 2013
Erin Courtney
CONTACT: Dan Morin (MTA)

Falmouth Spur Southbound On-ramp Reopens to Traffic

Southbound off-ramp to the Falmouth Spur remains closed

PORTLAND, Maine – Motorists can once again use the southbound on-ramp to the Maine Turnpike from the Falmouth Spur at Exit 52. The bridge opened this evening, a few days later than expected. The route is popular with holiday travelers and commuters heading south from coastal Maine and had been closed since May 14.
The temporary ramp closure is part of a $3.5 million Turnpike project, awarded to CPM Constructors of Freeport, which consists of rehabilitating the Exit 52 Falmouth Spur Interchange bridge superstructure over the Maine Turnpike. The work includes partial replacement of the concrete bridge deck, raising the bridge to increase under clearance for vehicles on the Turnpike, replacement of the bridge railings, concrete substructure modifications, along with miscellaneous repairs and approach work. The contract also includes rehabilitation of the Blackstrap Road Bridge near the Falmouth Spur.
The southbound off-ramp which takes traffic from the Turnpike to the Falmouth Spur is expected to remain closed through project completion this November.
Nearly all of the 177 bridges on the Maine Turnpike were built between 1946 and 1955. The Turnpike Authority uses only toll revenue to fund its ongoing 30-year plan of major bridge rehabilitation and repair projects to ensure safe and convenient travel.
The Turnpike Authority reminds motorists to watch signs for construction information, stay alert and obey the posted speed limit approaching work zones and plan for extra time to safely reach their destinations through alternate routes.
Visit MaineTurnpike.com for more information about Turnpike projects, weekly construction advisories and lane closure reports. Motorists can also sign up to receive travel alerts and updates by email and follow us on Facebook or Twitter for timely travel alerts and Turnpike information.

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