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Exit 53 Interchange Bridge Repairs to Reduce Traffic to One Lane

Maine Turnpike Authority Logo FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
February 09, 2012
Erin Courtney
CONTACT: Dan Morin (MTA)

Exit 53 Interchange Bridge Repairs to Reduce Traffic to One Lane

Exit 53 Interchange Bridge Repairs to Reduce Traffic to One Lane

PORTLAND, Maine – PORTLAND, Maine – The interchange bridge at Exit 53 of the Maine Turnpike will be reduced to one-lane traffic beginning Monday, February 13, 2012 as necessary improvements are made to the bridge surface. A one-lane configuration will be required for removal and replacement of the existing bridge deck. In order to maintain traffic on the bridge, traffic lights will be installed. Motorists should expect delays, especially during high-volume traffic times like the morning commute. Approximately 2,000 motorists currently use Exit 53 when travelling to and from work each day.

The $3.9 million project, awarded to Technical Construction Inc. of Turner, began in August 2011 and includes raising and widening of the bridge and repairs to all of its ramps. Up to this point construction has been on the substructure and foundation of the bridge, and has allowed the turnpike to maintain two lanes of traffic.

The project will be completed in the fall of 2012. The Maine Turnpike Authority appreciates motorists’ patience and understanding during this construction.