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Driving Gets E-Z on September 1

Maine Turnpike Authority Logo FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
January 19, 2018
Erin Courtney
CONTACT: Dan Morin (MTA)

MTA to Start Roadside Clearing Project on I-95 on Monday, January 22

Clearing Promotes Safety and Helps Snow Melt Faster

PORTLAND, Maine - Beginning on Monday, January 22, 2018, Comprehensive Land Technologies, a contractor working for the Maine Turnpike Authority, will begin roadside clearing along the Turnpike (I-95).  This work consists of clearing vegetation in various locations along the Turnpike on both sides of the road, starting on the northbound side at mile 42 in Scarborough.

This work is done in the winter to minimize impacts to travelers. This clearing is a basic maintenance activity and is not part of any construction project. It is being done to enhance safety for Turnpike travelers in three ways:

  • It improves the chances that an errant motorist who leaves the highway will survive because there are fewer trees to hit.
  • It allows drivers to more easily see large wildlife like deer and thus avoid collisions.
  • It allows more sun to hit the road, which helps melt ice and snow quicker and may require less salt usage.

While delays are not expected as a result of this work, the MTA urges motorists to use caution while driving through active work zones.  For more information on this project, please visit the construction project page on the Maine Turnpike Website:  www.maineturnpike.com/roadsideclearing2018.

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